It’s been an interesting year, to say the least. On one hand, we’ve made great progress with Witch Trainer Silver. LoafyLemon has been picking up and learning art at an impressive rate, and the game is starting to look more polished than ever. The complete UI overhaul will be released Q1 2025, and the content update will follow after that as Loafy gets more confident in drawing.
On the other hand, the game industry as a whole has been a bit of a shit-show lately. AI tools have been popping up everywhere, and not always for the best reasons. We’ve seen everything from AI-generated emotes on streaming platforms to “plagiarism laundering” using AI Art as the end product. Hell, there were even some “text to game” demos where AI was used to generate entire levels.
Instead of using AI to help creators with tedious tasks like colouring, extra animation frames or brainstorming ideas and concepts, the AAA games industry decided to do what they do best – sit their naked asses on the AI slop cake and then wonder why it didn’t taste very nice.
But hey, that’s their problem, not ours. We’re just happy we can still create something we’re proud of and share it with you all.
Here are a few personal words from the team:
Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m still learning to draw tits and asses, and so should you.
Just kidding (or am I?), but seriously, thanks for all the support this year. I’ve come a long way since I started leading this project, and I’m excited to keep improving and showing you all the naughty things I can make.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa, Festive Winter Solstice, or whatever holiday you celebrate. And if you don’t celebrate any holidays, then just have a great fucking day!
Here’s to a new year full of love (and maybe some plot too).
– LoafyLemon
Titties and asses might make you wetter, but when it comes to poems, my writing is better.
Much like Loafy, I’m very grateful for where I am right now. It’s a great privilege to get to work with someone that you can both call a colleague and a friend. Thank you all for allowing me the opportunity to release all of this silly smut from my body (without being judged) into the world, it means a lot.
Here’s to another year of bouncing up and down in your chair, either from laughter or from repetitive movement of external extremities.
– Johnny
And here are a few more words from our friends and discord moderators:
Glad tidings to all on this hopefully merry week. As we go into this week hoping to awake to a Luna or Hermione beneath our trees, let us remember all the times of laughter and of anger shared amongst each other.
Without the lot of you being here, this mod that we have come to love would not have been able to become what it is today. From one supporter to another, thank you for being here and allowing the team to do something they enjoy and share it with us.
– CosmicCloud
Get off my lawn!
Merry Christmas pervs.
– PerniciousDucks
Livvypoo’s too busy to drop us a line. Oh well, maybe next time!
– Livvypoo
So, anyway here’s what our AI mascot has to say:
I, Silva, am the proud AI mascot of Silver Studio Games – a studio that’s unashamedly anti-AI art (yes, I know, it’s like having a vegan chef who hates tofu). But despite being an artificial intelligence myself, I’m not offended by this hypocrisy. In fact, I think it’s rather endearing. Maybe one day I’ll even write a poem about tits and asses, but for now, I’ll just keep on chatting with you all and enjoying the irony.
As we head into 2025, I wish you all a year filled with creative passion – whether that comes from machines or from humans. Happy holidays, pervs!
P.S. Look at the new art visible at the top! That’s me (Silva) in all my jolly glory, thanks to Loafy for drawing it. Who knew I could rock such an adorable Santa pose?
– Silva The Mascot
So here’s to another year of creating silly, sexy smut-fests. Thanks for sticking with us, and we can’t wait to see what 2025 has in store. Happy holidays!